Well, it's Saturday. Life has been kinda hectic this week. I started it with
In-service at school - clearing out all the things I had brought to my classroom this year. I had a TON of stuff. Now it is all stacked high in the garage...waiting for the day when it will be spread out in a classroom of bubbling, bright students once again. Can I tell you that I absolutely LOVE teaching? I do! From the time I was in sixth grade, I knew that is what I wanted to do. I had a teacher who truly inspired me. Her name was Mrs. Gill and she is BY FAR my favorite teacher I ever had. She taught English at East Ridge Middle School and made me feel like I could be or do anything I wanted to in life. Back then, I wrote poetry - ALL the TIME!
lol She would read every poem I gave her and act as though they were the most beautiful things she had ever read! What an awesome teacher she was! Later on after high school when I was published, I bought her a copy and gave it to her. I wanted to let her know how much I appreciated her inspiration and encouragement when I was
younger. I hope I am a teacher like that one day. I can't think of a more fulfilling job than to inspire young people to know they can achieve ANYTHING and be successful. Mrs. Gill will always have a special place in my heart. Anyways. Where was I? Oh yeah - my week. So I had
in-service during the day and Vacation Bible School each night. Whew! Don't you know THAT was exhausting! But I loved every minute of it! It truly is one of the most rewarding experiences to hear a child talk about God. They are so innocent and trusting - childlike faith. Our theme was Crocodile Dock and all week long we talked about "God Sightings". Where did you see God? Was it outside in the trees he made? Or did you help someone when they were sad? Maybe someone helped you? One little preschooler said her God sighting was when her Mommy buckled her in her car seat to keep her safe. Another child said she was at a drink machine and she didn't have enough money and the girl behind her gave her an extra quarter so she could get a drink! It was so awesome to hear them talk about where they saw God each day! It's kinda sad that it's over. :( I am looking forward to some R&R this week though. I need to catch my breath - and some bills that are floating around this house. Man, I hate bills. They can be a real downer, ya know?
lol They just seem to be piling up and I just can't seem to get ahead of them. I really hope Tommy's disability comes through soon. I don't like asking people for money. My mom and in-laws are trying to help us make ends meet, but I really hate asking them for help. I really want to be able to take care of my family on my own, ya know? But the truth is, we just don't have enough
mulah coming in at the moment. A teacher salary is NOTHING to write home about and with Tommy not being able to work, times are really hard. If I could just get a job and if Tommy could just get his disability, I could have a much needed break this summer. Oh, well. Guess I'll just keep
truckin' along...
On a brighter note, today is
Caedan's birthday! I can't believe he is already FOUR years old! Man, how time flies! I love my
KK so much! He is the sweetest child you will ever meet! He can really lift you up when you are having a bad day. He always comes to me out of the blue and gives me a kiss on the cheek as he says, "Mom, you are so the sweetest mom in the world! I love you so much!" Kinda makes your heart melt just a little bit...
My kids are the greatest in the world! I am so thankful to God for them! They may keep me on my toes, but I love every minute of it!
Well, I guess I've typed enough randomness for the day...see ya laterrrrrr......