Ok, here it is! The first day of my weightloss journey! It is June 24, 2009 and by December 25, 2009(six months from today) I want to have lost 50 pounds! That is completely realistic, right? I am so freakin' tired of seeing FAT pictures of me all over Facebook (Thanks, DanO!). I have taken the hint and decided that now is the best time to dive into this diet! After all, I am done having kiddos, so now I need to be thin so I can do more things WITH them. My Wii Fit program told me I am obese and that my fitness age is 41 today. BUMMER! I'm not saying that 41 is bad, but when you are only 29, it sux. I'm not really fond of the word "obese" either, so we must definitely do something about this. My friend, Sheila (affectionately known to me as "She-bug") is moving back to Chattanooga in two weeks and has said she will partner up with me in this weightloss decision. I also have a few more friends who have shown interest and we may end up doing something like "The Biggest Loser" to keep us pumped! I am pumped right now, but who knows how I will feel tonight, or even more so, tomorrow. I gotta stay on track though! I HATE being fat! It bites!!
So here are two pictures of me on the first day of my journey. I will update periodically to let you know how it is going.

Yes, I know they are extremely grotesque, but I promise I will look better in 4 weeks - scouts honor! Wish me luck!!
So are you going to do Wii fit to lose or are you joining a club? What is your plan? Just want to know so I can encourage you when I see you on Sundays :)