Well, I haven't blogged in a while, so I reckon' I will update for you. Let's see...today is Monday, isn't it? Well, I guess that means a "Not Me! Monday" is on it's way...
Well, I was totally not needing this day off from the crazy psycho-planet otherwise known as -my world- today. It was not planned out to be a totally blissful day ending with dinner and a movie with the man I share a bed with (but never actually see since I work two jobs and he stays home with the kids.) My mom did not call around 4pm to say that she was not going to be coming for "Nana Night" because her husband was in a funky "poor me, I need attention, what about me, I'll be mad if you go" mood for her. Let's not mention that she spent the WHOLE DAY with him since they were both off of work for the holiday! MEN!! Anyways, Since the evening plans were thrown out the window, of course I did not just lay around the house all evening vegging out on chocolate - that would be a killer no-no for my diet that I have totally been staying on to a "t". I have not gained back 2 of the pounds I had previously spent an entire SEVEN DAYS trying to lose! I do not hate fat! It's not like a leach - never letting go-hanging on for dear life- sucking the very breath out of you. I do not feel as though I am defined by my fat these days. It does not control my mood, my behavior, my life. Boo!
As for the happenings of last week, we did not lose a teacher to resignation after she had had enough of her fourth grade boys, and the principal has not asked one of the teachers from second grade to take over that class. Furthermore, she has not given the second grade team the option to choose ANY of the interventionists (that would be me) to fill that spot for the year. SO, I may not be moving to second grade sometime next week. I do not have mixed emotions about this and I am not riding on the fence as to whether I would like to change positions. I am not the only interventionist with experience in the classroom. No, the other interventionists did not just graduate college last year or the year before last. Questions like, "Would I still be able to keep my job at the Station House?" and "Am I truly prepared to teach inner-city children?" do not keep running through my head! I did not pray about it and ask God to just take over and if they ask me then I know it is his will for me to be there. I am not scared out of my mind that THAT very thing will happen! (Can I change my mind on that prayer, God?) I do not love my cushy interventionist - leave at 3:10 - no indepth lesson plan-making - job. I would not be completely devistated if I had to quit my job at the Station House. I do not completely LOVE it there! On the other hand, I do not want to completely redeem myself as an amazing teacher and shove it it a certain person's face. Whatever... I'm not bitter. Not ME!
Praying for you, girl. Miss seeing you! I hope that life is going good. You look great!
ReplyDeletei'm not quite sure i was capable of reading through the 'nots' to get the beauty of the the 'not me' thing. lol. maybe it's because i had a beer or two already tonight. or not. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd I am 'not' hoping we start receiving my disabilty so you won't work at the Station House and be gone all the time...Cause your husband and five kids 'don't' miss you very much...And I'm 'not' extremely exhausted from doing all the home stuff without any help...And I 'don't' appreciate the long days you put in when your gone so your family can eat...