Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Who Had a Great Weekend? "Not Me!"

Well, here it is again. Another Monday - another "Not Me! Monday" post. Hope it doesn't suck butt like last week's did. Here goes...

I absolutely love the fact that I still cannot get my fat butt into the jeans that I wore before I got preggo with London. I am not totally bitter about the fact that I actually weigh LESS than I did before I was pregnant and yet none of my clothes fit me anymore. On the other hand, I am not completely stoked that I will just have to go out and buy a complete new wardrobe. Yeah, and I absolutely have the money for that. I am not completely bummed about the fact that I have NO check for this month because of the time off I took with London when she was born. Maybe that will help me shed the pounds. NOT eating will probably do WONDERS for my figure.

I am not totally bummed with the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. I was not completely looking forward to this for the past THREE weeks (see prior post "Come On Already!") and I did not consider it a TOTAL waste of my time to sit and watch it. I did not sit and whine about it to my husband and he did not then proceed to tell me that the only reason I watch it is to drool over Patrick Dempsey. I absolutely do not heart and him or think he is the hottest guy in Hollywood.

I did not have the most fun I have had in a VERY long time at at party with friends of my husband who are now MY friends this past Saturday night and I did not get excited when I had children who didn't feel good the next morning causing me to miss church. These people were not the absolute coolest people I have hung around in a while and I definitely do not want to get together again extremely soon! I am not, at this very moment, trying to rack my brain to think of someone who will watch my kids for me tomorrow night and not rob me blind so that I can go hang out again up in Cleveland with them. I do not want you to call me if you read this and want to help me out with this current dilemma.

I am not extremely tired again this evening and do not wish to call it a night and lay down in my fantabulous bed to dream about my husband and McDreamy dueling to the death for my love. That dream would not totally kick booty! I am not secretly fantasizing about said dream right now. Nope, NOT ME!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Not Me! Monday" goes...

I am not completely so tired that there are actually dark bags under my eyes. I absolutely love the fact that I have not had a good night's sleep since before I got pregnant with Dylan over eight years ago. I am totally bummed that Georgia hasn't jumped on board the "school all-year round" band wagon. Then I could just be a total walking zombie all year round!

Today was not one of the Monday's people complain about. My kids were not bouncing off the walls today and I did not make one sit out almost the entire recess time because he couldn't own up to squeaking his shoes in the hallway. I did not jump for joy when the secretary came over the intercom and told the last of the kids in my room to go to the hallway for ASP. I'm sure I could have stayed with them all day due to the fun I was having with them.

I was completely bummed about the fact that Caedan's soccer game got cancelled. I really wanted to stand out in the wet grass and watch him do twirls on my only night for date night this week. Instead I hated the fact that I had to have a totally awesome night with my husband at Taco Mamacitas downtown. We had an absolute horrid time.

I am not extremely disappointed with this post because I really didn't want to wow you guys with another fabulous "Not Me Monday" post. But due to the fact that I am not extremely tired, I have to sign off and go to bed. Maybe next's weeks will be better. lol

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I can't believe I haven't blogged in over three days! This whole "teacher" thing must be catching up with me. Honestly, I was soooooo worn out after this week. I had forgotten how much these little ones could just completely wipe you out! I had also forgotten how funny they can be. I had one kid tell me that Abraham Lincoln and George Washington were his uncles......but don't tell his mom because she doesn't know they are dead and she would cry. WHAT THE HECK??? Then I had another kid mention that the principal talked about Benjamin Franklin on the morning news at school that morning. Another girl piped up, "Who is Benjamin Franklin?" The first girl said, "Duh, that's Mrs. Franklin's(me) husband!" It was so cute! On another not-so-cute note, I had a kid completely cover my bathroom floor with vomit and yet another went home with strep throat! I swear I have the sickest class in the school! I better not get sick! I have been sick so much this school year. I can't afford anymore sick days! Well, it's WAY past my bedtime. Stay tuned for "Not Me! Monday" tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

(This is a pic of Brendan and his "friend" in Pre-K last year.)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pathetic??? NOT ME!!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. For now, read on to find out about my day!:)

Well, let me just tell you, I am not pathetic. Nope. It is not me who is sitting at Panera Bread where there is free WiFi access because I wanted so badly to post my "Not Me!" Monday blog. No, it is not me who had a friggin’ cable fall into my front yard from the wind last night –thus leaving me no internet service. I am not so completely addicted to Blogspot or Facebook that I had to go find somewhere that had service so that I could feed said addiction. THAT would be pathetic! Besides, I have way too many more important things to be doing at this moment – like taking care of the mountainous pile of dishes that are not sitting in my sink. (And by the way, it is not hotter than Satan’s armpits in here at the moment, either!)

And let me just tell you that I slept soooo late this morning because I totally turned on my television like I ALWAYS do and heard that school was closed today. No, it was not me who got up at the butt-crack of dawn to get my kids ready for school so they could catch the bus. Nope! My step-son did not have to call and tell me the news so that I didn’t send my kids out in the freezing drizzle to stand and wait for that yellow submarine to pull up at the end of our road. Sheesh! Some people should learn to cut the tv on every morning so that they can be up to date on important things such as this. Glad I do! Glad London did not get woken up during all that ruckus that wasn’t going on this morning and I didn’t have to feed her at 7:00am after only sleeping 4.5 hours. Whew! What a relief!

Furthermore, I’m also glad that I do not have a piece-of-crap vacuum cleaner, so that when I’m off work, I can get some housekeeping done! I’m glad that I did not have to spend an entire HOUR trying to get the crumbs and other vial substances up off the floors of my house because the sucker on my vacuum decided to stop doing its job. And I’m glad I did not have to go dig the old one out of the heaping mound of junk, I mean, buried treasure that is not living in my garage, waiting for the day I finally decide to make good on my promise to my husband about the garage sale I intend to have. I’m glad I did not have to worry about that one breaking down either. Thank goodness I did not have to deal with that on top of FIVE kids running around on the aforementioned filthy floors.
And finally, I’m so thankful that my husband does not have a chronic illness that keeps him from feeling good all day long. I did not curse this situation under my breath as I pushed the wonderful, fully-functioning vacuum throughout the house. He truly is a wonderful and extremely helpful partner and it really does not stink that this illness has hit him so hard. I do not wish I could stay at home with him all the time. And so, I am not secretly hoping the power is still out around Catoosa County so that I can have another day off tomorrow with him. NOT Me!!!

Well, I guess I should get back to the house so that I can fold that one more load of laundry and put all those icky dishes in the dishwasher. Yeah right! NOT!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did the Bunny come to YOUR house?

Question. Am I a bad parent because I didn’t even get my children anything for Easter? The Bunny did not show up today. And you know what? My children never asked about it. They never even so much as mentioned anything about not waking up to a wonderful basket full of chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks. Maybe it was mainly due to the fact that they had already done an Easter Egg hunt at my mom’s church, or that they got an ungodly amount of candy from school last week! Either way, I am truly thankful that I didn’t wake up to tears this morning. So I ask you again, does that make me a bad mom? I hope not.
Today, I had the solo for our choir song at church. Every time I sing a solo, no matter how many times I visit the little girl’s room, I ALWAYS have to go right before I walk on stage! I LOATHE that! Why the heck do my nerves hit me in that way? I could deal much better with feeling like I was going to blow chunks, but when you get the extreme urge to *tinkle* when you are already on stage, it is a terrifying ordeal and I’m pretty sure my face can testify to that at the time it happens. Then, there is the whole “OMG! WHAT’S MY NEXT LINE???” thought that happens during the initial take-off of the song. I swear! If I had a dollar for every time I made up lyrics because my mind went blank, I would be basking in the sun on some tropical island! Today, I didn’t exactly make up new words, I just didn’t get them all out. The word was “Clothed” and by the time the lyric reached my brain and then darted toward my mouth, all that came out was “loathed”. Lol I hope no one noticed. I have a tendency to pull the mic AWAY from my mouth if I forget the words- just for those of you who actually see me sing on a regular basis. Now you know. If I forget lyrics, the mic will be pushed aside and I will suddenly be too “into the moment” to sing. Shhh…Don’t tell anyone.
Well, it is late. Stay tuned tomorrow for a hilarious (or an attempt to be hilarious) “Not Me Monday”. Should bring some laughs your way. Tata for now!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Come On, Already!

Ok. Seriously! I am desperately overdue for a Grey’s Anatomy fix! How could ABC leave me hanging in such a way? McDreamy has finally proposed to Meridith – a thing I was becoming increasingly agitated about (get on with it already!), and then POW! They slammed the door and left me hangin’! And what about Izzie? What happens to Izzie??? And Dr. Psycho? What the heck went down overseas while he was out saving the country? He freakin' tried to KILL Christina. Oh, and she was NEVER this intense with Burke! This is seriously not funny! This show has become my escape from the child-filled world in which I live. No Boogers to wipe. No foul odors to whiff. No nagging “I’m hungry! Feed me!” wimpers. Just pure, unadulterated, hot, steamy, passionate, psychotically twisted, scantily clad, characters who have absolutely wonderful and meaningless lives. I NEED it! Give it to me! If it isn’t on by next week, I may shrivel up and die! ( Oh, and if it isn’t too much to ask, how about throwing in a new episode of Private Practice! I love me some Addison Forbes Montgomery! Isn’t her new forbidden fruit extremely yummy?? Mmmm!!!) Yes, I sometimes live vicariously through my television set. Don’t you? No? Oh, well. Bite me…

In other news, I have been on this here life-sucker box all day long reading all kinds of hilariously funny blogs and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to “follow” most of them. Seems in the world of blogging, I’m still but an infant, my head bobbling about, trying to take in this vast world of fast talking, image loading goddesses of the written word. I can only aspire to be as witty and forthcoming as those whose blogs I have had the pleasure of devouring this afternoon. Leave me some love (comments) and let me know how you think I'm doin'! I'm off to fold the mound of laundry falling off the couch..

Friday, April 10, 2009

What's With the Name?

So, I guess my blog name kinda brings questions to your mind. I had originally wanted the name Confessions of Insanity, but it was already taken. Lessons in Lunacy was the next best name I could come up with. ( Yes, I know I ended that last sentence with a preposition). I am a grammar freak, but I simply cannot follow that one rule. The alternative doesn't sound right to me. Sorry. Anyways, the blog name comes from my current life situation. With five kids under the age of seven, one would have to be somewhat of a lunatic. Even as I type, I have a three year old asking me all kinds of three-year-old questions and making it extremely difficult to even try and make sense on here. And just when he walks away, my seven year old has come to me and told me that my two year old hit him in the head with his sippy cup. Does anyone have some sanity I could borrow?? Please???? I hope you can now see where the name for my blog stems from. (yes, another preposition.)

So, I promised to let you know how last night's seder went. For the most part, it went really well considering we really had no idea what to expect or even what we were doing really. Thanks to my wonderful friend, Christy, we had all kinds of props (for lack of a better word) for this wonderful experience. Below I have taken some pictures for you.

It really was quite a sight to see all the little guys participating in this ancient ritual. Caedan (my 3 year old) was probably the most well-behaved of them all. I just love that picture of him with his hands folded and praying. The whole thing probably lasted an hour and they all did so good. They asked all kinds of questions and really seemed interested in the whole process. We had a good time.

On a completely unrelated note, I am happy to announce that London has finally started adding some meat to her bones. For those of you who don't know, London had a rough start with trying to gain weight. It took her three weeks to just get back up to her birth weight. I even had to start giving her formula because she just wasn't gaining anything from nursing. It made me really sad as this was my last chance at trying to successfully breastfeed one of my kids. London is now seven weeks old today and upon changing her diaper this morning, I realized she now has fat rolls at the top of her thighs. They are so cute! Can I get a Woot! Woot! All this being said, however, I began to look at some of Tristan's pics at this age and there is a striking resemblance to him. Does that mean my sweet little girl is going to be a "hoss" like her big brother? We shall see. Here are a few pics I took of her today.

Incidentally, every picture I ever take of her where I catch a glimpse of her smiling, ends up blurry. What's that all about?!?
Well, I hear a sink full of dirty dishes calling my name and I am almost certain my nose has caught a whiff of something terrifically foul coming from the pants of my free spirited two-year-old. Duty calls!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today's shopping expedition turned out to be a productive experience. Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law, who gave me money to shop, I was able to buy the cutest outfit for church on Easter. :) I used to HATE to shop because of all the weight I have put on since having kids, but today I found several things that fit and that I loved! Yay me!

Afterwards, I was off to the Fresh Market. I LOVE that place. It always makes me want to eat healthy every time I visit. Today's visit included picking up a few items for tonight's Seder. Yes, my husband has decided to embrace his Jewish roots and Passover is tomorrow. So, we are having a seder this evening at sunset. Should be interesting, what with my 2 and 3 year old. I'm actually looking forward to it. I tried to find yarmulkes (pronounced ya-meh-kuhs) for the boys to wear too, but that was a lost cause. We will make sure we have those for next year. Fresh market cannot sell wine and alchohol under the same roof ( a law that makes ablsolutely NO sense to me whatsoever) so afterwards I had to go a couple doors down to the Liquor store. After speaking with the ever-so-friendly owner ( who could not even make eye contact), I found the "kosher" wine. My husband asked for blackberry if I could find it and he would like it to be kosher if that could be found. What Luck! I found both - in the same bottle! lol See? What did I tell you - productive experience! So, we shall have matzo, bitter herbs, and blackberry wine for our seder. I'll letcha know how it goes...

Now, it is off to the boys rooms to clean. No one knows how to rip apart a house in 3 seconds flat better than my four boys! Toodaloo!

I fixed it!

Ok...although it is well past my bedtime, I simply could not go to bed without fixing my blog. It is now completely updated and I feel much better about not having copied Anna's creation. :) Now I am deciding whether to go ahead and try and get some sleep or wait for London to wake up and feed her before bedding down, as they say (or said...long ago in another time period far away from the technologies of today such as blogging.) Can you tell I am tired? My brain sure can! I think I'll rest it a while...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Issues, Issues, Issues!!

Ok...So my friend, Anna, has a blog on this site and I have kinda gotten hooked on reading her's and others that are on here, so I though I would try my hand at it. I must say that I am already ill at the fact that the layout options were frustrating to me to say the least. I am one that has to have everything lined up just right, and most of the layouts were backwards - having the blog on the left side and the notes about the writer on the right side. That's just wrong. Soooooo, I had to end up picking the same layout as said friend. Sorry, Anna. I hope you don't mind.

Second on my agenda to complain about with this thing is all the good names for my blog I had, but couldn't use because they were already taken. That, I know, was no one's fault, but it still sucked.

Whew! Now that all of THAT is off my chest, I can explain why I started all of this in the first place. I have always had a passion for wrting. Something about reaching into the depths of your soul and finding things you, yourself, did not even know were there is both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. As a child and teenager, I wrote poetry non-stop. Funny thing though, I could never write lyrics. If you know me, then you know I am an AVID singer. I sing ALL the time- in the shower, in the bed, in the car, at church, at school where I teach adorable yet sometimes life-sucking kindergarteners, etc... Pretty much anywhere I go, I sing while I'm there. So why did I never write my own songs? I don't know. It just never really worked out any time I tried. Maybe I'll try again someday. But for now, I'd like to stick to blogging. I have journals for all five, yes you read that right, FIVE kids and I try to write in them as much as I can, but life can sometimes get in the way. Maybe if I blog about it, I can go back and fill in the blank pages of their books one day. HaHa! Now if I can just figure out how to make those scrapbook pages come together simultaneously, we shall be in business!