Ok...here goes...
I am not completely so tired that there are actually dark bags under my eyes. I absolutely love the fact that I have not had a good night's sleep since before I got pregnant with Dylan over eight years ago. I am totally bummed that Georgia hasn't jumped on board the "school all-year round" band wagon. Then I could just be a total walking zombie all year round!
Today was not one of the Monday's people complain about. My kids were not bouncing off the walls today and I did not make one sit out almost the entire recess time because he couldn't own up to squeaking his shoes in the hallway. I did not jump for joy when the secretary came over the intercom and told the last of the kids in my room to go to the hallway for ASP. I'm sure I could have stayed with them all day due to the fun I was having with them.
I was completely bummed about the fact that Caedan's soccer game got cancelled. I really wanted to stand out in the wet grass and watch him do twirls on my only night for date night this week. Instead I hated the fact that I had to have a totally awesome night with my husband at Taco Mamacitas downtown. We had an absolute horrid time.
I am not extremely disappointed with this post because I really didn't want to wow you guys with another fabulous "Not Me Monday" post. But due to the fact that I am not extremely tired, I have to sign off and go to bed. Maybe next's weeks will be better. lol
It's nice to meet you Amy! : )