Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today's shopping expedition turned out to be a productive experience. Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law, who gave me money to shop, I was able to buy the cutest outfit for church on Easter. :) I used to HATE to shop because of all the weight I have put on since having kids, but today I found several things that fit and that I loved! Yay me!

Afterwards, I was off to the Fresh Market. I LOVE that place. It always makes me want to eat healthy every time I visit. Today's visit included picking up a few items for tonight's Seder. Yes, my husband has decided to embrace his Jewish roots and Passover is tomorrow. So, we are having a seder this evening at sunset. Should be interesting, what with my 2 and 3 year old. I'm actually looking forward to it. I tried to find yarmulkes (pronounced ya-meh-kuhs) for the boys to wear too, but that was a lost cause. We will make sure we have those for next year. Fresh market cannot sell wine and alchohol under the same roof ( a law that makes ablsolutely NO sense to me whatsoever) so afterwards I had to go a couple doors down to the Liquor store. After speaking with the ever-so-friendly owner ( who could not even make eye contact), I found the "kosher" wine. My husband asked for blackberry if I could find it and he would like it to be kosher if that could be found. What Luck! I found both - in the same bottle! lol See? What did I tell you - productive experience! So, we shall have matzo, bitter herbs, and blackberry wine for our seder. I'll letcha know how it goes...

Now, it is off to the boys rooms to clean. No one knows how to rip apart a house in 3 seconds flat better than my four boys! Toodaloo!

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