Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

Well, I haven't written on this blog in MONTHS! Life is just so busy around here. I can't believe London is already a year old! Man, time flies by when you work two jobs! lol

Tommy and I recently joined a new church. We are so excited to be at Temple of Praise with our good friends, (who also happen to be the pastors), Danny and Debbie Lance. God has opened so MANY doors for us these past 6-8 months and we are truly blessed! We ablsolutely LOVE our TOP family and couldn't ask for a more supportive group of people.

I am still working at the Station House on the weekends. I really do love my job there, but boy, is there a LOT of drama in that place. I try my best to stay out of it, but sometimes I just have to speak my mind. lol I'm workin' on that.

Speaking of jobs, I am truly thankful for my job with Hamilton County schools. I endured so much crap with my job last year. It is nice to be told, "You are a GREAT teacher - and so easy-going." Of course I knew this all along, but when you have people saying the contrary, you really do start to doubt yourself. But do you want to know what the greatest thing in the world is??? The ability to finally let go and "let God". For so long I wanted vengeance and redeption and vindication and ALL those things that go along with it. I had been wronged and my integrity had been ripped out from under me - all because of one person's power trip. I wanted to get back at that person more than you can ever realize - but now - I just really want to be happy. I know I am good at what I do. I know I am a GREAT teacher, and I know I am valuable to my profession and my school. God has healed me from the hurt that was inflicted and I can honestly say, I am GLAD to be where I am today. God is GOOD! ALL THE TIME! lol

As far as my weightloss journey I started last summer...I lost 30 pounds by November, but haven't really been back on the plan since then. Which is the reason why I have decided to start a Biggest Loser competition at our new church. I talked with some of the gals at church last night and they were really excited. I think now is the perfect opportunity to start getting the word out at church because we are starting a growth campaign the month of March and I hope it will help some women find a nook and some friends to keep them plugged into our church. I am excited about this and I hope to lose the last 60 pounds I need to lose this year. Wish me luck!
By the way, if you are looking for a church and you just haven't seemed able to find one you really connect with, come try out Temple of Praise! You'll love it!

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