Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My life...

Ok, it is 12:11AM and I am STILL up!!! Why is it that I can never get sleepy until after midnight??? I am sitting here listening to Tommy play the guitar and learn songs for us to go perform at the Mud Pie. Why is it some people get to do what they love and others have to settle for what will pay the bills? Why can't I just make loads of money singing? Don't get me wrong, I LIKE my job....but, I LOVE singing.

So, yesterday was "Not Me! Monday", and as you can see I did not get a post up. I have FAR too many children to try and blog these days. I can't seem to fit everything I want to do into my day. Maybe we could write the president and ask him to add an hour to the end of the day each day. Heck, he's considering other moronic suggestions, he just might take me up on mine. Whatcha think?
I can tell it is getting close to the end of the school year. My students are CRAZY acting. I even had one kid in my class tell another kid, "Ya know what, (name)? I think you have ADD. That's when you can't really focus and you have a hard time paying attention. That's what I have and I think you have it too!" The funny thing is, I have said this a BAJILLION times to my parapro about that same kid! Cracked me up!! Lately, I have been trying to keep my mind OFF of work. Our county is cutting the budget by a couple MILLION dollars, and I am the lowest on the totem poll at my school. SO, inevitably, I will get cut. Look for me behind the yellow submarine. That is probably the job I will have by the end of these cuts. :( I can't take it anymore. I am SOOOOO tired of worrying about whether I will have a job next school year or not. Who ever thought teaching jobs would be hard to find??? But that is the story of MY life. Maybe I'll learn how to play the guitar and go sing down by the bridge for pennies. Will you come and help a sista out? Maybe even throw me a quarter every once and a while. I'm seriously thinking this is what it is going to come to. Maybe I will develop one of those paypal buttons that says, "Feed the children, the FRANKLIN children." Oh well. One day at a time, right? We choose whether the be happy or sad, and fortunately, I am not a person that can stay unhappy. It's not in the DNA. Don't Worry, be happy. Right?


  1. You can't worry about what might happen but think about what you want to happen. God will take care of you and your family. I have been in your situation so many times, but let God do the worrying for you. You stay happy and stay positive. If it's meant for you to stay you will no matter how low you are on the totem pole. God is in control!

  2. Awww, thanks Jackie! You are absolutely right! :)
